מה באמת קיבלנו בהר סיני והאם זה היה באמת בשבועות
7 years ago
The official channel of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. הרב יוסף מזרחי הערוץ הרשמי Whether for spiritual or idealistic reasons, strengthen your connection to the HolyLand by owning 4 Amot / Cubits of agricultural land. https://owntheholyland.com?wpam_id=22 Rabbi Mizrachi is a world renowned speaker that has positively influenced hundreds of thousands of people to return to Judaism. Visit divineinformation.com for other lectures, events, DVD's, downloads and more! Audio lectures can be downloaded through the new divine information 2.0 app found on both the google and apple app stores. To contact Rabbi Mizrachi directly please visit http://www.divineinformation.com/contact-us/ Rabbi Mizrachi's audios/videos can also be be downloaded for FREE at TorahAnytime.com or the TorahAnytime App for iPhone or Android.
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